Personal Page

Dr. Mukovskiy, Albert

Senior Scientist


Room: 4.534
Section for Computational Sensomotorics
Department of Cognitive Neurology
Hertie Institute for Clinical Brain Research
Centre for Integrative Neuroscience
University Clinic Tübingen
Otfried-Müller-Str. 25
72076 Tübingen, Germany

+497071 2989224

Albert Mukovskiy


Reviewed Publications

Bognár, A., Mukovskiy, A., Nejad, G. G., Taubert, N., Stettler, M., Martini, L. M. et al (2023). Simultaneous recordings from posterior and anterior body responsive regions in the macaque Superior Temporal Sulcus . VSS 2023, May 19-24 2023, St. Pete Beach, Florida. [More] 
Bognár, A., Mukovskiy, A., Nejad, G. G., Taubert, N., Stettler, M., Martini, L. M. et al (2023). Feature selectivity of body-patch neurons assessed with a large set of monkey avatars . 13th Annual Meeting on PrimateNeurobiology, Apr.26-28 2023, Göttingen Primate Center.. [More] 
Mukovskiy, A., Hovaidi-Ardestani, M., Salatiello, A., Stettler, M., Vogels, R. & Giese, M. A (2022). Neurophysiologically-inspired computational model of the visual recognition of social behavior and intent . FENS Forum, Paris. [More] 
Mukovskiy, A., Hovaidi-Ardestani, M., Salatiello, A., Stettler, M., Vogels, R. & Giese, M. A (2022). Physiologically-inspired neural model for social interaction recognition from abstract and naturalistic videos . VSS Annual Meeting 2022. [More] 
Giese, M. A., Mukovskiy, A., Hovaidi-Ardestani, M., Salatiello, A. & Stettler, M. (2021). Neurophysiologically-inspired model for social interactions recognition from abstract and naturalistic stimuli. Journal of Vision September 2021, Vol.21, 2434.. [More] 

Unreviewed Publications

Chiovetto, E., Mukovskiy, A., Reinhart, F., Kansari-Zadeh, M. S., Billiard, A., Steil, J. et al (2014). Assessment of human-likeness and naturalness of interceptive arm reaching movement accomplished by a humanoid robot Perception 43 ECVP Abstract Supplement, page 107. [More]