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Prof. Dr. Giese, Martin A.

Room: 5.532a
Section for Computational Sensomotorics
Department of Cognitive Neurology
Hertie Institute for Clinical Brain Research
Centre for Integrative Neuroscience
University Clinic Tübingen
Otfried-Müller-Str. 25
72076 Tübingen, Germany
+497071 2989124
Martin A. Giese

Research Interests

  • Neural models for high level vision
  • Movement analysis and computational modelling of the motor system
  • Motion- and action perception
  • Movement disoders
  • Psychophysics of action and social perception and of sensorimotor control


 Short CV

M. Giese has studied Electrical Engineering and Psychology at the Ruhr University in Bochum. After a Postdoc at the Dept. of Brain and Cognitive Science at M.I.T., he founded in 2000 the Boston Research Laboratory von Honda Americas. From 2001 bis 2007 he was leader of a Junior Research Group at the Hertie Institute for Clinical Brain Research at the University of Tübingen. He received his habilitation at the Dept. for Informatics at the University of Ulm. From  2007 to 2008 he was Senior Lecturer at the Dept. of Psychology at the University of Wales, Bangor. Since 2008 he is head of the Section for Computational Sensomotorics at the Centre for Integrative Neuroscience and the Hertie Institute.  His scientific intersts are neuroscience and related technical applications. The main topic of his lab are th perception and control of complex body motion, neural modeling, and technical and clincial application of learning-based representations for then syntheis and analysis of body movement. M Giese founded the Masters track 'Neural Informaiton Processing' at the Graduate Training  Centre for Neuroscience in Tübingen.He is Associate editor of the ACM Transaction on Applied Perception, and of Frontiers in Computational Neurosciences. In addition, he is Vertrauensdozent of the German National Merit Foundation.


M. Giese hat Elektrotechnik und Psychologie an der Ruhr-Universität Bochum studiert. Nach einem Postdoc am Dept. of Brain and Cognitive Science am M.I.T., begründete er 2000 das Boston Research Laboratory von Honda Americas. Von 2001 bis 2007 war er Leiter einer Nachwuchsgruppe am Hertie Institut in Tübingen und habilitierte sich für Informatik an der Universität Ulm. Von 2007-2008 nahm er eine Position als Senior Lecturer am Dept. of Psychology der University of Wales, Bangor an. Seit 2008 ist er Leiter der Sektion für Theoretische Sensomotrik am Centrum für Integrative Neurowissenschaften und dem Hertie- Institut. Seine wissenschaftlichen Interessen liegen auf dem Gebiet der Neurowissenschaften und verwandten technischen Anwendungen. Sein Hauptinteresse gilt der Wahrnehmung und Kontrolle von Körperbewegungen, neuronalen Modellen und technischen und klinischen Anwendungen lernbasierter Repräsentationen für die Synthese und Analyse von Bewegungen.  M. Giese ist Begründer des Masters-Programms ‚Neural Information Processing‘ am Graduate Training Center for Neuroscience, Tübingen, und  Vertrauensdozent der Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes. Er ist Associate Editor der Zeitschriften ACM Transactions on Applied Perception und von Frontiers in Computational Neruosciences.


Selected Publications

Barliya, A., Krausz, N., Naaman, H., Chiovetto, E., Giese, M. A. & Flash, T. (2024). Human arm redundancy: a new approach for the inverse kinematics problem. Royal Society Open Science, 11.
Human arm redundancy: a new approach for the inverse kinematics problem

The inverse kinematics (IK) problem addresses how both humans and robotic systems coordinate movement to resolve redundancy, as in the case of arm reaching where more degrees of freedom are available at the joint versus hand level. This work focuses on which coordinate frames best represent human movements, enabling the motor system to solve the IK problem in the presence of kinematic redundancies. We used a multi-dimensional sparse source separation method to derive sets of basis (or source) functions for both the task and joint spaces, with joint space represented by either absolute or anatomical joint angles. We assessed the similarities between joint and task sources in each of these joint representations, finding that the time-dependent profiles of the absolute reference frame’s sources show greater similarity to corresponding sources in the task space. This result was found to be statistically significant. Our analysis suggests that the nervous system represents multi-joint arm movements using a limited number of basis functions, allowing for simple transformations between task and joint spaces. Additionally, joint space seems to be represented in an absolute reference frame to simplify the IK transformations, given redundancies. Further studies will assess this finding’s generalizability and implications for neural control of movement.

Authors: Barliya, Avi Krausz, Nili Naaman, Hila Chiovetto, Enrico Giese, Martin A.; Flash, Tamar
Type of Publication: Article
Journal: Royal Society Open Science
Volume: 11
Year: 2024
Month: 02
Full text: PDF
Li, B., Solanas, M. P., Marrazzo, G., Raman, R., Taubert, N., Giese, M. A. et al. (2023). A large-scale brain network of species-specific dynamic human body perception. Progress in Neurobiology, 221.
A large-scale brain network of species-specific dynamic human body perception

This ultrahigh field 7 T fMRI study addressed the question of whether there exists a core network of brain areas at the service of different aspects of body perception. Participants viewed naturalistic videos of monkey and human faces, bodies, and objects along with mosaic-scrambled videos for control of low-level features. Independent component analysis (ICA) based network analysis was conducted to find body and species modulations at both the voxel and the network levels. Among the body areas, the highest species selectivity was found in the middle frontal gyrus and amygdala. Two large-scale networks were highly selective to bodies, dominated by the lateral occipital cortex and right superior temporal sulcus (STS) respectively. The right STS network showed high species selectivity, and its significant human body-induced node connectivity was focused around the extrastriate body area (EBA), STS, temporoparietal junction (TPJ), premotor cortex, and inferior frontal gyrus (IFG). The human body-specific network discovered here may serve as a brain-wide internal model of the human body serving as an entry point for a variety of processes relying on body descriptions as part of their more specific categorization, action, or expression recognition functions.

Authors: Li, Baichen Solanas, Marta Poyo Marrazzo, Giuseppe Raman, Rajani Taubert, Nick; Giese, Martin A.; Vogels, Rufin de Gelder, Beatrice
Research Areas: Uncategorized
Type of Publication: Article
Benali, A., Ramachandra, V., Oelterman, A., Schwarz, C. & Giese, M. A. (2023). Is it possible to separate intra-cortical evoked neural dynamics from peripheral evoked potentials during transcranial magnetic stimulation?. Brain Stimulation, 16, 162.
Is it possible to separate intra-cortical evoked neural dynamics from peripheral evoked potentials during transcranial magnetic stimulation?

When TMS is applied over motor cortex, it elicits movements that can be recorded in humans as motor-evoked muscle potentials, as well as in patterns in EEG. A discussion has been started recently in the community that TMS may not only excite neuronal structures in the central nervous system, but also cause peripheral co-stimulation of sensory and motor axons of the meninges, blood vessels, skin, and muscle. These structures may also excite the same cortical site that TMS was meant to stimulate in the first place, resulting in contamination of the TMS-induced cortical response. Therefore, many efforts are made to identify and isolate peripheral evoked potentials (PEPs) from TMS-induced cortical responses in EEG-Data. However, it is very difficult to develop an appropriate sham stimulation for humans that closely reflects auditory, somatosensory, and motor responses accompanying TMS. An obvious route to clarify the issue is the blockade of cranial nerves, which requires animal models where invasive experiments to discover putative areas of origin can be done. In recent years, we have developed a method to demonstrate the direct effect of a TMS pulse at the cellular level. We have transferred single pulse and repeated stimulation protocols from humans to a rat model. With selective blockade of PEP, we were able to show that the trigeminal nerve is a major contributor to TMS-evoked neuronal signals in motor cortex, represented by a prominent excitatory peak at around 20 ms after stimulation. TEPs starts much earlier and lasts up to 6 ms after the stimulus pulse. Both inputs then merge into a canonical inhibition-excitation pattern lasting more than 350 ms.

Authors: Benali, Alia; Ramachandra, Vishnudev Oelterman, Axel Schwarz, Cornelius Giese, Martin A.
Type of Publication: Article
Bognár, A., Raman, R., Taubert, N., Li, B., Zafirova, Y., Giese, M. A. et al. (2023). The contribution of dynamics to macaque body and face patch responses. NeuroImage, 269.
The contribution of dynamics to macaque body and face patch responses

Previous functional imaging studies demonstrated body-selective patches in the primate visual temporal cortex, comparing activations to static bodies and static images of other categories. However, the use of static instead of dynamic displays of moving bodies may have underestimated the extent of the body patch network. Indeed, body dynamics provide information about action and emotion and may be processed in patches not activated by static images. Thus, to map with fMRI the full extent of the macaque body patch system in the visual temporal cortex, we employed dynamic displays of natural-acting monkey bodies, dynamic monkey faces, objects, and scrambled versions of these videos, all presented during fixation. We found nine body patches in the visual temporal cortex, starting posteriorly in the superior temporal sulcus (STS) and ending anteriorly in the temporal pole. Unlike for static images, body patches were present consistently in both the lower and upper banks of the STS. Overall, body patches showed a higher activation by dynamic displays than by matched static images, which, for identical stimulus displays, was less the case for the neighboring face patches. These data provide the groundwork for future single-unit recording studies to reveal the spatiotemporal features the neurons of these body patches encode. These fMRI findings suggest that dynamics have a stronger contribution to population responses in body than face patches.

Authors: Bognár, A. Raman, R. Taubert, Nick; Li, B Zafirova, Y Giese, Martin A.; Gelder, B. De Vogels, R.
Type of Publication: Article
Full text: PDF
Lang, J., Giese, M. A., Ilg, W. & Otte, S. (2023). Generating Sparse Counterfactual Explanations For Multivariate Time Series. Accepted for ICANN 2023.
Generating Sparse Counterfactual Explanations For Multivariate Time Series

Since neural networks play an increasingly important role in critical sectors, explaining network predictions has become a key research topic. Counterfactual explanations can help to understand why classifier models decide for particular class assignments and, moreover, how the respective input samples would have to be modified such that the class prediction changes. Previous approaches mainly focus on image and tabular data. In this work we propose SPARCE, a generative adversarial network (GAN) architecture that generates SPARse Counterfactual Explanations for multivariate time series. Our approach provides a custom sparsity layer and regularizes the counterfactual loss function in terms of similarity, sparsity, and smoothness of trajectories. We evaluate our approach on real-world human motion datasets as well as a synthetic time series interpretability benchmark. Although we make significantly sparser modifications than other approaches, we achieve comparable or better performance on all metrics. Moreover, we demonstrate that our approach predominantly modifies salient time steps and features, leaving non-salient inputs untouched.

Type of Publication: Article
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