Cerebellar involvement in the facilitation of action perception by concurrent motor activity

Cerebellar involvement in the facilitation of action perception by concurrent motor activity

Research Area:

Clinical Movement Control and real-life Behavior Analysis for Assistive Systems


Winfried Ilg; Martin A. Giese;


Dagmar Timmann; Andrea Christensen


It has been shown that motor behavior modulates action perception either facilitatory or inhibitory depending on the match of executed and observed action (Christensen et al. 2011). These results have been discussed in light of an internal simulation of observed behavior exploiting motor representations. The cerebellum has been considered as important for underlying internal models. In this study we examine the influence of focal cerebellar lesions on biological motion detection and the action perception coupling. Therefore, we exploit a novel experimental paradigm that combines advanced real-time full-body tracking with the online-generation biological motion stimuli, making visually observed biological motion stimuli directly dependent on the actual motor behavior of the observer.


Christensen, A., Giese, M. A., Sultan, F., Mueller, O. M., Goericke, S. L., Ilg, W. et al. (2014). An intact action-perception coupling depends on the integrity of the cerebellum. Journal of Neuroscience, 34(19), 6707-16. [More] 
Ilg, W., Christensen, A., Mueller, O. M., Goericke, S. L., Giese, M. A. & Timmann, D. (2013). Effects of cerebellar lesions on working memory interacting with motor tasks of different complexities. Journal of Neurophysiology, 110(10). [More] 
Ilg, W., Christensen, A., Mueller, O. M., Goericke, S. L., Giese, M. A. & Timmann, D (2011). The influence of focal cerebellar lesions on a working memory task with and without walking Society for Neuroscience Meeting, Washington DC, USA. [More] 
Christensen, A., Giese, M. A., Mueller, O. M., Goericke, S. L., Timmann, D. & Ilg, W (2011). Cerebellar involvement in the facilitation of action perception by concurrent motor activity Society for Neuroscience Meeting, Washington DC, USA. [More]